Yi County

  • 网络易县;黟县;义县
Yi CountyYi County
  1. Situation , problems & counter measures about grain production in Yi County


  2. Analysis of Social and Economic Benefit of Conversion of Cropland to Forest & Take Weichang County and Yi County as Examples


  3. A Study on the Occurrence of Underground Water in Yi County Compression Fractures


  4. Research on Plan of Nation-level Ecologic Experimental Area Construction in Da Yi County


  5. On Yi County Folk Residence in Ancient Villages and Ancient Folk Residence Protection


  6. Businessmen in Yi County of Hui State in Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China


  7. Cluster Analysis and Ordination of Secondary Shrub Thicket in Yi County of Anhui Province


  8. The Hong Valley of Yi County , Anhui & China 's Ancient Ox - shaped Valley


  9. The geological characteristics of Luan Mu Chang gold deposit , Yi County of Hebei Porvince


  10. The geological features and the formation causes of the mineral deposits of Dicang Si fluorite mine in Yi County


  11. Preliminary probe into the service of geology to agriculture & A brief of the agro-environmental geological assessment of Xu Yi county


  12. The structure characteristic the main body of a book being adopt to depict and comparing the method progressive aspect to An Yi county dialect .


  13. They are almost cotemporary with the volcanic eruptions of Yixian Formation near Yi County in the south of Fuxin Basin .


  14. Talking Briefly About The Light-reddish-purple Porcelain And " The Porcelain Painting Of Yi County " Figurines on Porcelain A brief introduction to Chinese light crimson porcelain


  15. Lu Ban Hui : Guilds and Sacrificial Organizations in Beijing during thug Dynasty and early Republican Period Businessmen in Yi County of Hui State in Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China


  16. According to the present new situation of rural land circulation in Yi County , this paper systematically investigates and summarizes several forms of land circulation in Yi County and its characteristics ; forecasts the tendency of future rural land circulation and puts forward counter measures for present land circulation .


  17. As the first Yi Autonomous County in China , Eshan also preserves the rich culture of music .


  18. The Strategic and Precautionary Analysis on Poliomyelitis in Yangbi Yi Autonomous County


  19. Magma origin of Cenozoic basalts in Yi Tong county , Ji Lin Province


  20. Influence of Natural Geographic Environment on Folk Customs & Taking Yi Chuan County in Qian Long Period as An Example


  21. Danuohei Village in Yi Autonomous County ofShilin ?


  22. The guild structure of arboreal insectivorous birds of montane second forest was studied during May to July 1987 in Yi Lan County , Hei Lung & Jiang province .


  23. Old people 's Happiness Degree and the Influence Factor Inquisitions in Parts of Yi ' nan County City Area


  24. This thesis takes the Black Yi in Butuo County , Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as main object of study .


  25. Nose Measurement Study of Yi Nationality at Luxi County in Yunnan


  26. Ethnic Identity in Town Situation Taking Yi Nationality in Yuanyang County , Yunnan as an Example


  27. A Seroepidemiological Investigation on HBV Infection among Healthy Population of Yi Minority in Qianxi County


  28. The cultural connotation and aesthetics revealed from the " eight-tiger-on-four-side " embroidery pattern of the Yi people in Wuding County


  29. The connotation of the County of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period experienced the two stage developments , namely : " county Bi " and " county Yi " of the county .
